C’est Cheese – Usability Review
A series of Usability Sessions were conducted on the C’est Cheese website. Feedback on the positives and negatives; likes and dislikes has been collected and analyzed to provide recommendations and solutions to help the website and company grow and flourish in the coming years.
This review includes User Personas, Interviews, Survey, Card Sort, Tree Sort, Focus Groups and Usability Testing.
The full report can be found here.
PAR Mobile – Content Flowchart Design
Designed the Content Flow that would define the use of the PAR Mobile iPad App.
Problem: The content originally provided by the business was developed in an excel document and the plan would be to update it monthly and/or quarterly depending on the specific content. This required several discussions to see how the business wanted the users to process the information to get to the final content. I was able to reference my Content Strategy course for this development of the content flow with the business owners, starting with the whiteboard brainstorming and post-it notes.
Resolution: We were able to narrow down the process to 3 steps:
- Choose 1-3 companies to compare
- Choose the product category
- Choose the product sub-category
- Receive your comparison results
Tools: Whiteboard, Post-it Notes, Excel, Powerpoint